So I have this fund being built to help me with the increased costs that are already starting to creep up on me #FUCKCANCER
But there's a thing I want to make really really super clear - I don't want anyone to donate money if it's going to make their lives uncomfortable AT ALL. I am not yet at the HOLY HELL Y'ALL I'M GOING TO DIE WITHOUT [insert crazy expensive treatment here].
I don't even know yet how desperately expensive this is going to end up being. Obviously it's going to increase costs in all kinds of places, every day I think of more things I'm going to have to spend extra on just to stay alright-ish. I can't skimp on power this winter. I can't eat whatever's cheap. I can't let my phone run out of credit. All the things I could sort of get away with as a broke but only semi broken person. Well, not so much now. I can't walk instead of catching a bus even. It's too tiring. Excuse me I just have to go and be slightly miserable over in this corner for a minute. And make a cup of tea.
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Thanks for being a fantastic Imaginary Friend Paul |
But in theory I can pull the crisis care from my life insurance, that'll cover quite a bit. I'll be able to pull my Kiwisaver fund (hahahahahaha, I'll let you all know how THAT goes - John Campbell, my precious, I have not forgotten to keep you posted on that - I'm still working on getting sufficient ID together for it. Headdesk.)
At this point, this funding is to make sure I have enough up my sleeve UNTIL I can get those things organised. For random scans (I can't take the time for waiting lists, some things will have to be done privately) So I can get all my prescriptions (instead of playing the usual game of "what can I live without this month"). To make sure I'm eating properly (which I have not really been doing, because who can on a benefit, especially when you're trying to stretch one benefit across two people) & to make sure I can get all the little things that pile up on you and it turns out you can't ignore when you're sick. If it turns out I need *magic unfunded medicine* or *voodoo surgery* we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
So if sparing me a few dollars is going to mean missing out on something yourself, for the love of [insert what you hold dear] DON'T.
And so that we remain upfront on money matters: A chunk of my crisis care is going to be used to take Kitty and I on a trip together. Assuming I am well enough to go when the time comes. This is because a) we haven't had a lot of holidays together & b) if the worst comes to the worst I'd like her parting memories of me to be of good times. I've been the kid who has few good memories of a lost parent, I really really really do not want to do that to her.
I love everyone for wanting to give, I love everyone for wanting to help, but please for the sake of my sanity only give what you can. You love, your kindness, your presence is enough.
Peace. Out.
The fund is here, if you want to take a look (update: fund is now CLOSED, but you can still look)
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